The Tualco Valley is
the junction of the Snoqualmie River Valley and the Skykomish River Valley south of
Monroe in Washington state. The valley is agricultural land with scattered homes
and farms. The surrounding hills have homes mostly on
acreage. The area is home to a vibrant community of people who love living there.
People for the Preservation of Tualco Valley is a non-profit
organization formed to protect the
natural, agricultural, rural and residential character of the Tualco
Valley and its watershed primarily through education. We care about water quality, fisheries,
the area's groundwater, and the outstanding scenic character of the land that constitutes
the Tualco Valley area. We support responsible agriculture and forestry,
recreational opportunities, and residential land use.
PPTV originally formed in 1992 to oppose Cadman's expansion plans
at its High Rock quarry operation on Highway 203 south of Monroe.